About us:
Gemeentelijke Basisschool is a pre-primary and primary city school in Kortrijk. It has two locations.
In Kortrijk, there are seven classes of pre-primary (with about 80 children and 9 teachers). In Kooigem, there are two classes of pre-primary (with about 37 children and two teachers) and six classes of primary (with about 85 children, 7 teachers). The school also have a care teacher for primary and for pre-primary. Further, there is a gymnastic teacher, two people doing adminstration, two people for childcare and a headmaster.
The school wants to be a good example for sustainability. The school already does many things about sustainability and wants to have more knowledge about it. The school wants to share what she’s already does about this theme.
The school has also a lot of children of immigrants and socially weaker groups. For some of them, sustainability is unknown. We also want make this children and parents make stronger concerning the theme of sustainability. We believe that the learning of good practices has to start young. Therefore we want to do the project especially for children of the pre-primary school.
Furthermore, the team wants to see new ideas and best practices of other parntners in Europe. The headmaster and the teachers of the pre-primary classes will be the key persons. They will run the project. In the monthly staff meetings, all the
teachers will be informed about the project. So we make sure that the project belongs to each staff member. We discuss about it and make sustainability in the Gemeentelijke Basisschool stronger. The headmaster is new in the school since September 2020. He already has experience with themes as sustainability and climate change. He did already some actions in his school before and he wants to make stronger this themes in the Gemeentelijke Basisschool Kortrijk. Teachers of the pre-primary classes already do a lot of separated actions about sustainability (water, food, garbage, …) . With this project, we want to think about the theme and put it in the picture for the whole school. We want to make ‘a sustainability plan’ and we want make teachers and children inspired by the theme of sustainability. We’re sure we can offer some good practices to the other partners.also have already experience with the themes of sustainability and climate change. Nearby the school, there’s a beautiful park and teachers
want to use this beautiful place more. So, they are curious how partner schools (Latvia, Slovenia) organizes the outdoor education, to be in nature and to learn about it.
The school has no experience with international projects. The headmaster did already some Erasmus+ projects in his school before. He wants to share his experience with the teachers and with the partner schools. He’s convinced of the added value of this projects and believes that the sharing of knowledge by international partnerships inspires teachers. Erasmus+ projects are fantastic opportunities for professionalization.
Kooigemplaats 23, 8510 Kortrijk, Belgija